Since late Dec 2019, this family has cleared out 90% of our SUV debt! We’ll have that Santa Fe paid for in just a short while.
We’ve decreased our overall debt by another 29% this year.
I want to talk about some of the ways that we’ve been doing this:
-clearing up pronoun problems - we’re in this together. Our family. Our money. Not his and hers, not curved for her making more or me making more - combined team effort. We, not me, we, not I. Nothing is mine. I can’t take credit for this, and I’m not the only one making sacrifices.
-focusing on our why - we’re doing this because we not only were financially mediocre, we also were negligent and irresponsible. What’s funny as I talk to people is that because they haven’t had a “come to Jesus” moment like we have, it’s a different dynamic for them - they don’t have a totally sold out approach to their finances like we do, and I think it’s because they haven’t had to. We are doing this because we don’t want to experience panic again. You have to find your own motivations. This is hard and not everyone can do this, although they probably should.
-reflecting on how huge a blessing it is to tithe.
-reflecting on how much we’ve been able to succeed financially in a year where others have been negatively affected. We are so fortunate, this is not lost on us.
Stay intentional, guys. Debt is still a thief, and bad financial decisions are around each and every corner. Sit down and get your head in the game, you don’t want things happening to you - you want to be happening to them. Have a Happy Holiday, head in to the new year with a new plan!