I have had maxed out credit cards, been in overdraft AFTER being paid, purchased houses that put my family’s future in peril, and I thought I was smart with money. I’m not kidding. I had spreadsheets, you see.
Borrowing money was completely natural to me. I love a bigger, better deal, and I can’t stand to leave well enough alone.
Buy a car, get the upgrades. Buy a boat, get the accessories. Buy a house, focus on the cosmetics - why upgrade the stuff you couldn’t see?
I have a spending problem - and I was one of those people who wanted to see money put to work, as opposed to being squirreled away.
There’s a great balance in healthy relationships.
Christina knows me enough to know when I’m starting to get too focused on a project or something I want to purchase, and she’s able to tell me that I’m starting to remind her of the person I used to be. That fellow experienced a lot of buyer’s remorse and made his wife nervous.
We’ve changed. Our money is joint and we do everything as a team. We’re comfortable calling each other out and we celebrate our victories.
I keep getting reminders as we go through our money makeover that the key to winning is being intentional and on the same page as your spouse. If you’re two ships passing in the night, bring it in for the real thing. You won’t regret it.
As for me, I’m going to try to stop scaring my wife.
Summertime goal; starting now and by September 6th, we want to have put $5,000 on our car loan. Figure we can do it?
There’s a gift card giveaway for anyone who can tell me what the significance of September 6th is!