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The Shed Playhouse Chronicles 3 - moving at the speed of cash!

Have you ever purchased something, spaced out on a bill that's due soon or a more pressing financial issue coming up quickly thereafter and regretted your purchase? The nicest thing about working exclusively with cash is that you're ultra mindful of budget, and that helps minimize buyer's (or budgeter's!) remorse. Do you know how much of the Playhouse I was able to get done today? The dollar amount of that particular line of the budget. The project is moving at the speed of cash. I have to sit down with my budget tonight and see when I can afford the trusses.

On another note... I really appreciate people willing to open up and be vulnerable about their financial lives and their financial habits. One thing that I keep circling back to is that (religion alert!) We were bought at a price. Why are we experiencing so much fear? Why did we put ourselves there? We believe that we can trust in God for our afterlife but we...need a MasterCard or home equity line of credit for emergencies? You aren't here to live in fear of the days between paychecks. You can have more.

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