The bad news is, you’re the problem.
The great news is that you’re the solution.
You are the secret sauce.
I was reflecting on our journey today and it came to me - the secret ingredients over the last twenty two months have been time and intentionality.
There is only one way to eat an elephant: a bite at a time.
You can wander into debt but you cannot wander out. And there is no quick solution - it’s a tough slog to get out of debt and I’ve noticed there’s a lot of people who won’t start or can’t stick with it.
Time - you have to be willing to commit the time. You have to sit down and write a budget, you have to make sure that it includes everything (Clothing? Groceries? C’mon!). You need to make sure that it reflects yourself and your spouse working as a team (how much for Christmas?!?).
Intentionality - There has not been a day in the last 22 months that Christina and I have not had to make a decision, good timing or bad, to stay on track. It's amazing to us how many people will go through problems that arise and choose to borrow without looking at other options. Every decision that you make has to be “on purpose” financially. Your goals have to be peppered in to everything that you're doing.
I was doing a budget tonight for mid-Jan 2021. I put the Santa Fe payment into it and was disgusted. I’m tired of looking at that stupid number.
The minimum payment comes out on the fifteenth of each month.
Wanna make a bet I won’t have to put in a line in mid February’s budget for it?
I’ll give good odds.