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You'll Go With You - Thanksgiving 2020

"The worst part about getting a new job, the worst part about getting a new car, the worst part about getting a new husband or wife, is that you go with you. You're the one who gets behind that wheel, and two weeks later you're going to realize "that didn't work". -Dr John Delony

My sister Lisa was kind enough to give me the idea for today’s blog.

We have so much to be thankful for.

We have so many holes that there is no amount of consumerism that is going to fix us up. You’re not one purchase away from being whole - as Dave Ramsey puts it - “Remember, there's ultimately only one way to financial peace, and that's to walk daily with the Prince of Peace, Christ Jesus.”

Our biggest challenge, the thing that we need to hack most, is our mind. As Dave Ramsey says, “Personal finance is 80% behavior. It's only 20% head knowledge."

It’s funny to me that Thanksgiving isn’t as much of a “giving” holiday as Christmas is. We’re so fortunate and we have so much - we talk about our gratitude for family and our comfort but I don’t see the giving and generosity connection that I see with Christmas.

Stuff can be fun, but it isn't changing and shaping like giving, gratitude and contentment are. This Thanksgiving as we look towards the Christmas season remember how much we need each other, and look around; how much do you need?

Today, I'm especially thankful for my sister-in-law Lisa, and I'm going to try to practice contentment. God has been good, and my family has all we need.

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